ULEAD PHOTOIMPACT 3.02 Boton Sakura Ascii M
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How to Create a Boton Sakura ASCII Art with Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02
Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 is an old but powerful image editing software that can create stunning graphics and effects. One of the features of this software is the ability to create ASCII art, which is a form of art that uses text characters to create images. In this article, we will show you how to create a boton sakura ASCII art with Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02.
A boton sakura is a type of cherry blossom that has a round shape and a pink color. It is a symbol of spring and beauty in Japan. To create a boton sakura ASCII art, we will use the following steps:
Open Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 and create a new image with a white background and a size of 300 x 300 pixels.
Select the Text Tool from the toolbar and choose a monospaced font such as Courier New or Lucida Console. Set the font size to 10 and the color to black.
Type the following text in the image:
This is the basic shape of the boton sakura.
Select the text and click on the Effects menu. Choose Text Effects > Emboss and set the Angle to 135 degrees, the Height to 5 pixels, and the Amount to 100%. This will give some depth and shading to the text.
Click on the Adjust menu and choose Color > Hue and Saturation. Set the Hue to -10, the Saturation to 100, and the Lightness to 0. This will change the color of the text to pink.
Click on the Edit menu and choose Copy. Then click on the Edit menu again and choose Paste as Object. This will create a copy of the text as a separate layer.
Select the copied text layer and click on the Object menu. Choose Transform > Rotate Left 90 Degrees. This will rotate the text by 90 degrees.
Move the rotated text layer slightly to the left and down, so that it overlaps with the original text layer. This will create a more realistic shape of the boton sakura.
Select both text layers and click on the Object menu. Choose Merge > Merge All. This will merge the two layers into one.
Save your image as a JPEG or PNG file. You have now created a boton sakura ASCII art with Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02!
Here is an example of how your image should look like:
a boton sakura ASCII art
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know in the comments below.Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 is not only good for creating ASCII art, but also for many other image editing tasks. In this section, we will introduce some of the most popular features of Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 and how to use them.
Retouching Tool
The Retouching Tool is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that lets you correct common problems in your photos, such as red-eye, blemishes, scratches, dust, and noise. You can also use it to enhance your photos by adjusting the brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, and blur. To use the Retouching Tool, follow these steps:
Select the Retouching Tool from the toolbar or press R on your keyboard.
Choose a retouching mode from the drop-down list on the top bar. You can choose from Red Eye Removal, Blemish Removal, Scratch Removal, Dust Removal, Noise Reduction, Brightness/Contrast, Color Balance, Hue/Saturation/Lightness, Sharpen/Blur, and Clone.
Adjust the settings for the selected mode on the top bar. You can change the brush size, shape, hardness, opacity, and other options depending on the mode.
Click and drag on the image to apply the retouching effect. You can use the Undo and Redo buttons on the top bar to undo or redo your changes.
Frames are decorative borders that you can add to your images to make them more attractive and creative. Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 offers a wide range of frames that you can customize and apply to your images. To add a frame to your image, follow these steps:
Select the Frame Tool from the toolbar or press F on your keyboard.
Choose a frame category from the drop-down list on the top bar. You can choose from Basic Frames, Artistic Frames, Photo Frames, Web Frames, and Custom Frames.
Choose a frame style from the thumbnails that appear on the right side of the screen. You can preview how the frame will look on your image by hovering your mouse over the thumbnails.
Click on the Apply button on the top bar to add the frame to your image. You can adjust the frame settings on the top bar, such as width, color, transparency, shadow, and bevel.
RAW to JPEG Converter
RAW files are uncompressed image files that contain more data and detail than JPEG files. However, RAW files are also larger and require special software to view and edit them. Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 has a built-in RAW to JPEG Converter that lets you convert RAW files to JPEG files with ease. To use the RAW to JPEG Converter, follow these steps:
Select File > Batch Convert from the menu bar.
In the Batch Convert dialog box that appears, click on the Add button to browse and select the RAW files that you want to convert.
Choose JPEG as the output format from the drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box.
Click on the Options button to adjust the JPEG quality and compression settings.
Click on the Browse button to choose a destination folder for saving the converted files.
Click on OK to start converting your RAW files to JPEG files.
These are just some of the many features that Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 has to offer. You can explore more features by browsing through the menus and toolbars of this software. Ulead PhotoImpact 3.02 is a versatile and user-friendly image editing software that can help you create amazing graphics and effects. aa16f39245